Monday, October 25, 2010

Teaching College Students

Students watching the class at Indiana University on the Active Board.
Interacting with Skype.
Today we had the unique opportunity as a class to "teach" college students about our writing.  Ms. Beth Buchholz (former Stony Point third grade teacher) is now getting her PhD in Education at Indiana University and the class she teaches wanted to know about our writing process.  Ms. Buchholz's students are in their third year of education classes and they viewed our published poems and art on our blog.  Today we Skyped with the class and they listened as we shared our writing process and poems.  Then they asked us questions and individual students answered the questions from their own perspective.  Our class was absolutely FANTASTIC and very impressive with their knowledge of the writing process.  They talked about their strengths, weaknesses, thoughts, feelings and the final product!  Our Skype lasted about 40 minutes and the kids were listening, engaged and participating the entire time.  To say that we utilized technology today would be an understatement!  Who would have thought that third graders from Virginia could share and have a conversation with college students in Indiana on a Monday afternoon?  What a powerful lesson.

Explaining our writing process to the college students and sharing our poetry.

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