Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Explorer Posters

We have been studying influential explorers and decided that making our own posters for our classroom would be more meaningful.  Four different groups became "explorer experts" and each group had four different tasks.  This project took over a week and required a lot of teamwork, but the final product was well worth the effort.  

TASK: Your task is to draw a portrait of your research team’s explorer. You should use a historic portrait of your explorer from a book or the Internet to make sure your sketch is accurate. You should have a first and final draft. Make sure you include details and think about quality craftsmanship.

Ponce De Leon

Map Maker
TASK: Your task is to create a map of your explorer’s journeys. Your map should include all necessary continents, countries, and bodies of water to make your map accurate and detailed. You should have a first and final draft. Make sure you include the location where your explorer started his journey, the place where he ended, and any other important places he visited. Make sure you include a map KEY and think about quality craftsmanship.

Christopher Columbus

Fact Finder
TASK: Your task is to find all the important facts about your explorer. The facts are what make your explorer unique and are the reason why we remember him today. You will be working with a partner and will use resources like books or the Internet to search for your facts. You are an essential part of your team because without your information the Map Maker and Wordsmith will not be able to complete their jobs!
·    What is the explorer’s name and what years did he explore?
·    Where did he sail from and where did he land?
·    Why were he exploring and what did he hope to find?
·    Why was this explorer important and why do we study him?
·    What are three other unique facts that you found interesting?

Jacques Cartier

TASK: Your task is to create a piece of writing for your group to present to the rest of our class to teach the other teams about your explorer. Your writing should tell at least 3-4 facts about your team’s explorer to inform your audience but should also entertain your audience and make them interested in your explorer.  Here are some possibilities:
o  Play or Skit
o  Poems – collection of haiku, small poems
o  Entry from a Captain’s Log
o  Song
Christopher Newport

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