Friday, September 21, 2012

Inspiration from Artifacts

On Wednesday we got to explore a suitcase full of artifacts from different decades throughout history - from a pelt the Powhatan may have owned all the way to an upright telephone from the early 1900s. We were in awe just looking at all of the artifacts! Could any of them be an inspiration for writing? One item in particular caught everyone's attention. A small wind-up toy made out of tin had us all laughing, once we finally got him to work! We think he's a toy from a while back, but we want to do some research on how old he is exactly. After writing down all the details we could observe about the duck, we wrote a poem together. You can read the poem we wrote about him below...

Wind-Up Duck

He's a wind-up duck, just wind him up.
Just let him go and he'll do a show.
He'll twirl his hat just like that.
He rides around on the ground.
He has wide staring eyes,
all dressed up in his suit and tie.
He's a clockwork duck but he doesn't go cluck.
His gears go 'round, you can't miss the sound!
Riding into town, 
he sees the king and bows down.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Decisions, Decisions

For the past two weeks, we've been working on a math building challenge that required us to become town planners. A new town needed to be built that would house 60 families total. Using multi-link cubes (one cube representing one family's house) we had to find all of the possible ways these families' houses could be built - 60 single houses, 30 towers of 2 houses each, one really tall tower of 60 houses, and other possibilities. After we found all of the possible designs, we had to make some decisions.

Which design would be the best house design for the new town? You can see how we each tested and tried out the different designs on the town map before we made our decisions.

Here are some of the questions in our brains that influenced each of our decisions...

  • Which design is the most environmentally-friendly?
  • Which design allows for the most open space?
  • What do the people who will live in the town need from their community?
  • What makes a successful community or town?

After making a final decision on the house design, we each started planning what types of businesses, stores, and other attractions we'd include in our town. Check back soon to see the final town plans!

Sofie decides on 6 towers of 10 houses each

Desiree plans where her towers will be built

Austin focuses on sketching his town design