Tuesday, October 2, 2012

A Slimy Haiku Mystery...Can you guess who?

Last week we read If Not for the Cat - a book of haiku by Jack Prelutsky.  We quickly found out, though, this wasn't just any ordinary book of haiku.  Each page held a mystery.  On each page, Prelutsky wrote a haiku to describe a mystery animal.  He used sensory details to give the reader clues about what animal he was describing.  We decided to try our hand at writing a haiku poem.  Where did we head for inspiration?  The Stony Point Nature Trail, of course!

We quickly found our inspiration right beside Post 2 on the trail.  Read our mystery haiku poems below and try to guess what animal from the nature trail we might be describing...

Luke's haiku, inspired by our mystery discovery...

Kaitlyn's haiku about our mystery creature...any ideas!?

Sofie's haiku, with her sketch as a hint...any guesses?

The creature we found on the nature trail to inspire our haiku was...

Can you see me hiding around the orange dot?  My camouflage is quite helpful.  I'm a....SLUG!

Try out a haiku of your own!

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