Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Maps with Manipulatives

We made birds-eye view maps with math materials we found in our classroom. We found out that using lots of different materials - unifix cubes, 3-D building blocks, hundred blocks, and pattern blocks - helps build 3-dimensional maps. The final products took two days of building. One of our toughest challenges was actually making our maps look like our real classroom. Some groups had to totally rethink and rebuild more than once. (The picture of the map you see at the top is from a group who completely changed their map from the first day to the second day and ended up with a better map than they started with.) We had a lot of fun building the maps, but we put so much work into it that it was hard to take them down.

Our whole team had to agree on the features of the map and sometimes it was hard to make a decision that 3 or 4 people agreed with. Look below to see some of the special details groups included in their maps:

Our class windows built with clear rectangles

Our "Dr. Suess" door with our clock hanging overtop!

One group even included themselves working at the round table

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