Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Hot Off the Press!

Maybe you thought third graders at Stony Point Elementary had officially disappeared...we're sorry!

The weeks following our Winter Break have quickly gotten away from us (as you can tell) but we're still here, doing just as much thinking, laughing, and problem-solving as ever. In fact, we have quite a few surprises on the horizon. Tomorrow we're hosting - not one - but two special guests! Both special guests are experts on the country we've been studying...Mali, Africa. You won't believe some of the awesome facts we've learned about Mali already. We still have some unanswered questions, though, like:
  • Did ancient Mali have queens?
  • Why was the capital called Timbuktu?
We're hoping maybe our Mali experts will be able to shed some light on these tomorrow. Check back soon to see what we find out!

ALSO, coming up soon...pictures of our authentic Mali mud cloth progress. We've been working hard with Mary Lou to design and sketch patterns that will cover our third grade Mali mud cloth. Last week we just started sketching our designs onto fabric strips. Wait until you see them!

Now, the moment you've all been waiting for: Hot Off the Press today is our brand new Mali Multiplication Book. Inside you'll find challenging multiplication stories (all set in dry, dusty ancient Mali, of course!) to stretch your brain.

Here's a sneak peek of just one Mali Multiplication Story...can you solve it?

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