Tuesday, November 22, 2011

T-Shirts for the Wildlife Center

In Math Workshop, our latest challenge was to help raise money for the Virginia Wildlife Center with t-shirts for each animal species. It was up to our class to figure out how the t-shirt company could most efficiently ship the t-shirts in boxes of 100, rolls of 10, or just one-by-one as loose t-shirts. We needed to find 3 different possibilities for how to ship the t-shirts. Here's what Ella thought was the most important information in this problem to help us solve it.

 Different kids in our class found different strategies to help them solve. We noticed that, although there were different strategies to solve, everyone in our class created a KEY to explain the symbols they used.

Ella's Thinking
 Ella decided in her second solution to trade in the box of 100 shirts for 10 rolls of 10 shirts. In her third solution, Ella didn't have any more boxes to trade in so she traded in a roll of 10 shirts for 10 loose shirts.

CJ's Thinking
You can see that CJ used a strategy that was a little different than Ella's strategy. For his third solution, he decided to trade in his box of 100 shirts for 10 rolls of 10 and trade in all of his rolls of 10 for loose shirts. That makes 63 loose shirts!  

Lainey's Thinking
Lainey's thinking shows that she found the pattern that occurs when you trade in rolls of 10 for loose shirts. Can you see the pattern? (As the rolls decrease by 1, the loose shirts increase by 10.)