Wednesday, March 9, 2011

A Day in an Ancient Athens Court

We researched the court system in Ancient Greece and found out some interesting facts. Did you know that only adult males were considered citizens in Ancient Greece? (Some of the girls in our class did not think this was a fair system!) We found out that citizens in Athens made decisions about the law and whether to find criminals guilty or innocent. After our research, we became Athenian citizens ourselves.

We read The Boy Who Cried Wolf and wrote persuasive speeches trying to prove whether the boy was guilty or innocent. Our speeches were so persuasive that Athenians were divided right down the middle! Half of Athens believed the boy should be found guilty and the other half believed he was totally innocent. The city was in an uproar! To appease both sides, we brainstormed a way to compromise and wrote speeches to persuade the Athenian Council. Here's what each team came up with...   

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