Tuesday, October 12, 2010

School: A Small Poem

We read a book of "small" poems by Valerie Worth to get inspiration for our own small poems. I would like to share one:

Lots of kids go to school. Some schools are collossal and proud,while some are small and have only a few rooms. But they all are special in their own nice way. Some kids giant, some kids tiny. Some math problems hard,some math problems easy. Some schools with lots of property,some schools with only a midget-size piece of property. They're all different in their own, special, happy, nice way. Some schools with old kids,some schools with young kids. Some schools with well-behaved kids, some schools with bad-behaved kids. Some schools with funny kids,some schools with serious kids. Some schools with nice, encouraging teachers, some schools with strict teachers. Every school is different in their own happy, nice, fun, unique way.

By John from Miss Payne's class

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