Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Personal Narrative Poems

Our first published piece of the year is finally complete!  We have been working extremely hard on our personal narrative poems.  We brainstormed, read mentor texts, used vivid "million dollar" words for description, edited and typed our final copy.  These unique poems are also accompanied  by our personal narrative collages that we could not have done without the help of Mary Lou!  Please read and enjoy.  Don't forget to look at our art too!  

Sprouting Glass
By: Abbey
The blazing sun ran into
My face
Like the world
Just melted before my eyes
I longed for the crisp cool water to
Run down my skin
As I walked into the tall thick building
I felt the chilling air rushing down my spine
The sprinklers in the back made
My excitement blast off like a rocket
When I got to sprinklers it was like
Clear glass it sprouted
Like sun flowers
I leaped to the sprinklers
Then I knew it was going to
Be a wonderful day

The Day of The Game
By: Abigail
When I woke
I was exited
To go to the game
First light was peachy orange
Behind the valley green field
I hear cleats
 Scratching up grass
As I kick
The old zebra colored soccer ball
I looked up in the sky
It looks like an ocean breeze
In the beautiful sky
I am ready
To be aggressive and tough
I am to run like the wind
To get my game face on
And to win the game

My Dog
By: Alyssiah
Her fur is sun washed clay
She tries to chase the squirrel
But she can’t
Because she’s on a leash
She tugs and pulls
At the end of the leash
Trying to get the squirrel
She pulls me all over the place
But then I take her in
She’s pretty strong for a little dog
Her name is Leilani

My Dog and Me
By: Amanda
My dog is soft
Like a cotton ball
He snuggles
With me
He is nice like
Eating ice cream
On a hot day
His name is
He is a
Guard dog
Only five months old
He climbs on my bed
My snuggly soft
Saint Bernard
He likes to play ball and
Fredrick really loves his
Chew toys
He rips
Them up
He rolls in mud
He is a dirty
Fun dog
He loves rain
He loves cold
He is a warm loving dog
I love my dog
I lay on him
He doesn’t care

The Dashing Bard Rock Rooster

By: Cameron
He is a sweet and
Dashing bard rock rooster
His feathers are the color
Of black bark with
Glittering white feathers
His comb is lava red
His waddles are the color of bricks
His beak and feet are
The color of ember yellow
His eyes are both
The color of the yellow sun
And the black smoke
From a volcano

A Tour
By: Drew
Dashing off the cruise ship
The hot summer blaze
My face melting
In the sun
Soaring to the ancient
The glaze in my eye
Gazing at the towns people
Pompeii’s treasures
Startled as I stared at
The almost mummified dog
Covered in dust
Becoming dehydrated
By the giant layers of the sun
Taking giant gulps
From my water bottle
I notice a small chain
On the furry creature
Continuing the tour
More and more
Broken pots sighted
In near by shelter

Football Magic
By: Elijah
I threw my football all over the town
Then it fell on the ground
Each time I threw, it blazed through the air
It was so fast and hard that it smashed a chair
Could I fake out everybody that I stink at throwing a football?
I’ll bet I could fool them all!
How many miles per hour could I throw?
It felt like magic when my hands let go.
When I threw my ball in the snow
Then I hit a crow
I brought my football to school to play
Everybody was thrilled to see it that day
When I play football, I’m energized!
I won another prize!
It is something for me to play every day -
Especially in the month of May!
With my football in my hand,
I’m surrounded by friends.

Striper Fishing
By: Ewing 
I woke up very excited
Looked at the blazing sun
Right at the tree line
Slipped off my bed
Went to the toaster
Grabbed a burning hot poptart
Ran out the back door
To my dad’s 4x4 truck
Off we went
To the Bay

The Amazing Wristband
By: Henry
After you go into
The booth
You come out
With a
Colored band
It had the power
Of rides
The colors are
Fire red
Turquoise blue
And dark green
Instead it is
A ticket
For rides
The rides
Out of

Super Bowl Trophy
By: Jacob
The Super Bowl
A rain cloud of
Blazing red streamers
With snow colored wings
And ember glows
Cheering and crying
Red shirts everywhere
People getting crazy
My coach shouted
Good work Jacob!
And my dad whispered
Good job Jacob!
And I had to fight to
Get out of the stadium

My Wonderful Dog
By: Jamie
Sitting in the blazing hot yard,
Her drool dripping on the grass
When you pet her, she feels like a fuzzy carpet
Ear-piercing barks,
Growls like a tiger,
Runs like lightening
She digs holes like an ant burrowing underground
She rolls in the mud,
A matted ball of muck fur
But with a bath,
She sparkles like gold in the light
She soars high
Through the beautiful, blue sky
Pouncing like a kangaroo
Her fur brown like rocks
Her eyes look as black as the
Dark night sky
There is no playing fetch with her
She knows “sit” but not “lay down”
She’ll gladly cuddle with anyone
If you come to my house
She will bark at you
But she will love you
She smiles like a little crazy clown, if you’re sad –
Her tongue sticking out with her cheeks raised up
She will make you feel good and she is always wacky
And sometime she likes to play with animals
Like a gentle giant, she seeks to amuse herself
Crickets and frogs beware! – She may accidentally harm you!
But she is scared of thunderstorms
My precious little dog
She is a big furball of fun!

The Trip to the Military Field
By: Jonathan
I was pumped
I felt like I was in a racecar
Pulling up to the military field
It was blazing out
I saw a tank and a truck
The color of
Botanical and tree moss green
Feeling furious
I couldn’t get inside the truck
On the table
I saw a camouflage vest
With colors of
Rough terrain and dry mud
The man in the Army suit said
I could try it on
It was heavy and violently hot
In the sun
But light in the shade
I felt like I had a chance to
Have fun

My Favorite Horse
By: Julianna
We were picking corn
As yellow as a
Summer Solstice sun
At a red lava flow
Splintering barn
The stalls look like
Sun washed clay
The first horse has
Tawny Bluff hair
And is sleek
The second horse has
Hair that looks just
Like Standing Rocks
The next horse he pulls
Out is my favorite
The mane hair looks
Like a cliff and
His spots look like
A Sand Drift
He is gentle and calm
When we are done
The sky is a mix of
A firefly light
And blazing red
When I go to bed
All I can hear are the
Botanical crickets
And raindrops
Splashing on
The roof

Soccer Gets You Everywhere
By: Kylie
Kicking the rain cloud
And sweet bark colored ball
I run down the field
Just like I’m on a
Bare valley
Doing what I want to do
Just as if the sun
Was solstice
I could not stop playing
It was early
Sparkling dew
Rainbow filled determination
“I have to win this”
“I have to win this”
It was like the blaring sun
Shined just for me
I ran
I dribbled
I guarded
I practiced
I can do this
The crowd gives a cheer
As the white ball
Goes sailing into the net,
Like a fly caught in a spider’s web
The goalie stops in his tracks
The referee puts the ball back in play
One more, now two, we’re in the clear
The referee blows the whistle
Game over
We won!

Me and My Puppy
By: Luke
Clawing scratching
At the side door
Waiting to come in
Not very patiently
Not using the dog door
Very annoyingly barking
To come in
Peeing all over the place
When she gets inside
Running to
My other dog Jake
Jake’s not happy
With her jumping on him
Upset from having
Her surgery
I love my puppy,

By: M.L.
Clawing scratching
At only a ball of yarn
She has eyes
The color of fresh blue water
And turquoise seawater mixed
She is the cutest thing
You have ever seen
Her fur is the color of timber wood
And orange amber
Her meow is as sweet as honey
She is as precious as the earth
We play for many hours
But then I have to leave
Because it is only the beginning of SPCA camp
I’m back again
To see my furry friends
Today I meet Courtney and Clark
They are two cute siblings
Clark is very scared at first
Then he starts getting rowdy and wild,
Playing with all of the other cats
Courtney is gentle and harmless
Always goofing off with her brother
Mike is a big and fat dog
Victoria is a victorious dog
Duke is old but charming
Codey is a playful pup

Amazing Nitro Jet Color
By: Matthew
My nitro jet color is like a red brush fire
The runway is like black cave walls
The pond is blue like aqua rapids
It flies over the cones
That I practice with
They are like fire crackers
The grass is sizzling green
The sky is like blazing hot blue
The wind against the wing
It felt like I was floating

The Playful Little Beagle
By: Mitchel
Tanner is my wonderful Beagle
He really, really likes to lick your face
Sometimes we play tag
And we run all over the place
He used to sleep in my room at night
To calm down
He would wander all around
It didn’t take much to wake him up
He lives with my grandparents on a big, big farm
Where he can run around with all the other pups
He can jump and play, he chases the cat
But Rosy, the oldest dog, doesn’t do that
He likes it there, he even barks howls
Tanner chases the little squirrels around

By: Sam
The red and white round ball
Towards home plate
The ball went to right field
The fielder caught the ball
The batter is out
The ball is thrown to second base
The second baseman caught the ball
The ball is thrown back to the pitcher

My Cat
By: Sarah
Seircey my cat
Is as dark as the midnight sky
When I pick up a string
My cat chases it around
She is as fluffy as a cotton ball
And when I give her kitty food
She waits until I leave
Then she comes prancing in the room
Seircey is a playful, loving cat
She also has a twin
She loves lying in the sinks with her sister
I love her lots and lots

The Soccer Game
By: S’zignea
When I woke this morning
I went to school
It was time for my game
We played against the sky blue team
They won the sweaty soccer game
Their team was named the dragons
My team was named the cheetahs
We had to wear dark red shirts
Chick Fil-A was written
In big letters across the front
Snacks were gobbled at halftime
At the end of the soccer game
The two soccer teams gave
A high-five to each other
Parents from the dragons
With sky blue shirts
Gave us a high-five too
And said “good game!”
Then, after the game,
We all gobbled up snacks,
 Disappointed by the loss.

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